our programs will lead you to still mind…

Apple, Google, Yahoo, Prentice Hall Publishing, LinkedIn, Nike, Ford Motor Company, HBO, Proctor and Gamble…these are among the many successful businesses that use meditation as a tool to increase productivity. Why? Because it works!  Here’s how:

Benefits of Meditation for Business:  …as listed in Entrepreneur Handbook, The Chopra Center, and other sources.

Less stress

One of the most important benefits of meditation is that it reduces stress. This reduces illness, helps people make better decisions and improves staff relations and in general all areas of a business. The American Psychological Association says, “Stress costs U.S. businesses roughly $300 billion a year as a result of absenteeism, reduced productivity levels, and employee turnover.”

Less absenteeism

Stress directly affects one’s well being. Meditation increases health and also reduces injuries at the workplace.

Increased Productivity

Meditation helps maximise employee performance which increases overall productivity of the company which leads to increased profits and a healthier bottom line.

Increased intuition leading to better decisions

Tor Norretranders: “Our conscious minds deal with a vastly limited subset of the information coming through our senses – 16 bits per second (conscious) compared to 11m bits (unconscious).” Our meditation programs are designed to train you to access the 11 million bits.  Imagine the difference this could make to your business!

More creativity

 Creative thinking also comes from accessing the unconscious.  As employees become more creative their ideas may lead to whole new possibilities for your business.

Greater focus, clarity and concentration

This also leads to better decision making ability and therefore a rise in productivity.

More confidence leading to better performance

Employees who have greater confidence in their abilities and decisions are able to produce better results.

Responding rather than reacting

As people begin to respond to situations rather than react out of some negative emotion they create a calmer, more peaceful environment.

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